Our bodies communicate with us. We often don’t hear them until they are shouting at us in the form of chronic conditions or pain.

When we enter into a dialogue with our body, we both activate its innate healing mechanisms and learn what it truly needs.

What movement it needs in any given moment, what food based nutrients it needs, what it needs emotionally and so on…

Your body is the expert. It has all the answers you are looking for to move from pain and “dis-ease” to a pain free, wonderful experience of life.


The things we call our bodies are virtual reality suits we get to play in for this human journey. These suits create a sensory experience that we can use to guide us on this cosmic rollercoaster we call life.

When listened to and supported, the body can activate mechanisms to rebalance itself and remove dis-ease.

Using simple and subtle yet powerful methods, you can learn to listen to these signals and assist your body to keep it well.

By shifting your awareness surrounding your body and how it was designed to move, you liberate energy. You reclaim the body you were meant to have and the life you were meant to live. A life of strength, movement, joy and freedom. This can lead to a whole body restoration in body, mind and spirit.

 Using sound guiding principles and methods from multiple modalities, we will shift your perception and enhance your intuition through the process of becoming one with your body again. Working with me you will develop an understanding of your body and yourself that will enhance all areas of life.

Feel at Home in Your Body

 Through conversation and physical exploration, we will bring about lasting transformation,

This is done best by working with mind AND body, not one or the other (They are so intertwined as to be indistinguishable as separate entities). Truly understanding the relationship between the “two” ìs what creates magic.

Using this complete understanding of how the human system works, we will blend appropriate movement, stillness and an enjoyable, easy and yet hugely powerful type of meditation to both shift your perception and improve how you feel in everything you do.


I have listed a few of the modalities I use below but what we will do goes far beyond these - in a simple and playful way.  Using what works from a long list of "methods" at any given time, knowing that what is required changes as you transform.

This is a huge part of what we will do, being able to pull on many ideas, principles and above all, enhancing your intuition through the process of becoming one with your body again. We develop an understanding that allows us to hear the body tell us what it needs.


Using what works.


Gravity Yoga

When you’re stiff, you can feel trapped and restricted by your own body. Regain your lost flexibility using gravity and breathing in a simple, easy to follow way.

Find out more


Original Strength

Original Strength is a whole body restoration system. When we return to the movements we were designed to make, we restore our ability to express ourselves optimally in movement, thought and emotion.

Find out more

Somatic Meditation

Connect with your body. Activate inbuilt healing mechanisms. By bringing our awareness to sensations in the body and working with them appropriately and effectively through use of breathwork and fine, subtle movement, you can watch your body heal itself.

Find out more

Working together


While there are similar patterns found in many of us, I can both intuitively and through structured testing tailor my work to fit your needs, rather than adopting a one size fits all approach.

Every body’s requirement is unique. Whatever your motivations, using movement is a powerful way to be free of pain, expand spiritually, or overcome physical and mental challenges.

For a FREE introductory chat/session


One-to-one sessions


Restorative Movement

1 x 1 hour session – £55
Programme of 10 (1 hour each) sessions = £485

Somatic Meditation

1 x 1 hour session – £55
Programme of 5 (1 hour each) sessions = £225